In our day-to-day activities we keep connecting to so many people and materialistic possessions. This draws out our energy from various Energy centers/Chakras in our body. To maintain the energy levels in our Chakras it is necessary to Cut the Unauthorized chords at least once in a day. To cut the chords follow the steps below:

  1. Invoke for the divine help and protection by reciting “To the Supreme God, Divine father, Divine mother, to my spiritual teachers, all the Spiritual teachers, Holy masters, Arc angels, Holy angels and Spiritual helpers, we humbly invoke for your Divine guidance, Divine love, mercy, Divine help and protection in Full faith, so be it!”
  2. Now, visualize all unauthorized chords coming to you and your environment from various energy centers/chakras, from the Front and Back Heart Chakras, Front and Back Solar plexus Chakras, Throat Chakra, Ajna Chakra, Forehead Chakra, Ear minor Chakras, for ladies Nipple minor Chakras, Naval Chakra, Sex Chakra, Basic Chakra, front and back Spleen Chakras.
  3. Now bring them all together in front of the Front Solar Plexus Chakra, Put 2 clips in each of these chords 4 inches apart.
  4. Twist them all together and Imagine your Right hand as Electric Violet light knife and cut in-between the clips 3 times by reciting “CUT CUT CUT”.
  5. Now remove the clips and send it back to the Sender’s Crown Chakra and those which do not go offer it to the Sun God. The chords which are within us pull it along and offer it to the Sun God.
  6. Clean the Chakras where the clips have been removed with Electric Violet light and energize them with Golden energy.
  7. At the end give thanks giving by reciting this prayer, “To the Supreme God, Divine father, Divine mother, to my spiritual teachers, all the Spiritual teachers, Holy masters, Arc angels, Holy angels and Spiritual helpers, we Thank you for your priceless blessings in Full faith, so be it!”

By doing this technique the energy that is being drawn from your body will be cut off and you will be able to Focus more and utilize your energy in an effective manner.